Coffee Seller Millionaire
written and directed by
Lucas Estevan Soares
produced by
Lucas Estevan Soares
year / ctry
2012 / United States
Winston Cardona
"Coffee Seller Millionaire" is a documentary that delves into the life of Winston Cardona, a salesman who invests heavily in a coffee pyramid scheme, believing that he will soon become a millionaire by expanding his network of customers in evangelical churches. Born in Los Angeles and father of two children, Winston is the protagonist of this striking portrait.
Over the course of one day, the documentary closely follows Winston's journey, exploring his thoughts, motivations and interactions with those to whom he presents his business opportunity. Throughout the film, his fervent convictions and the emotional strategies he uses to engage members of religious congregations are revealed.
The narrative offers an intimate perspective on the life of an individual immersed in a world of lofty expectations and dreams. Exploring themes such as faith, ambition and the pitfalls of quick promises of success, this documentary leads viewers into a reflection on ethical limits and the incessant search for wealth.
coming soon.
